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Latest ISO
DeLinuxCo Workstation 24.0.-240813 (5.3GB)
SHA256SUM: 731272c8ec8bea2fc48cf35989d9c51cf46c8840b0223a7823283813d5b02b79
8G or > , USB drive required
This is a FOSS project. It relies and builds on the work of a great many others. It is covered under the GPL3 though some parts of it may be under other free software licenses. Absolutely no warranty is implied or expressed. This includes but is not limited to fitness of use or data, use at own risk.
Download the latest ISO image.
(5.3 GB ISO)
24.0.4-240813 Change log…
- Kernel 6.10
- Ksnip now default screenshot tool
- The following apps are now in AppImage*
localsend - New background added (Gama bridge)
- Facebook, Youtube & Netflix webapps preinstalled
*Moving forward DeLinuxCo will be concentrating on making more default applications packaged as AppImages.
Default application defaults are not transferring from ISO to installation correctly, you should manually change them to your liking or use these defaults: Go to System Settings > Preferred Applications
Please note, the ISO is designed for testing on real hardware, using VirtualBox you may have issues! It is recommended to use Virtual Machine Manager for VM testing of DeLinuxCo. Tutorial can be found here. If you are already running DeLinuxCo 22.1.2 or higher, you can run install-virt-manager
to completely install and configure Virt-Manager.
DeLinuxCo comes with a couple of simple scripts to make installing certain applications easier.
the first is to enable syncthing as a service for the user so that even even if the user is not logged in, the sync session for the default user will still function, do not use the sudo with this command, if it needs permissions, it will ask for them.
To disable syncthing, run:
If you wish to run virtual machines, to auto install Virt-Manager, run:
updated 20240813
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